
Theresa Cassiday, freelancer

Copy writing & editing in Omaha, Nebraska and the U.S.


Drowning in Now book editing

Drowning in Now coverAfter redesigning the website for Global Humanity Initiative in 2021, owner Alicia Demetropolis asked me to read and edit the first draft of her book, Drowning in Now. I read for content, style and clarity, and highlighted sections that could be cut to meet the word count.

Alicia then worked with a book editor for edits and rewrites. She sent the final draft to me for re-editing before the book was published in August 2023. It’s now for sale on Amazon.com.



Aligned to Heal the Spine

September 8, 2021in

Aligned to Heal the Spine by Theresa CassidayI wrote this story and several others for the Metro Omaha Medical Society newsletter published by Omaha Magazine. Usually, medical writing needs to be simplified for the general public to make it understandable. However, for these articles, my writing had to stay technically challenging to engage the physicians in the group.

I received this compliment after the story was published:

“Just thought I’d let you know the MOMS (Metro Omaha Medical Society) board was very complimentary of the quality of the Nebraska Spine Hospital story. They said you did a great job of a writing it in a way that would appeal to physicians.”

Corey Ross, Managing Editor

Aligned to Heal the Spine

Facing Cancer Together

Dr. David and JoAnn Bouda had been teaching their Facing Cancer Together class for several years when they hired me to collect their various presentations and materials, then combine them into a new book. They wanted a logo, a consistent graphic look, and a binder presentation format so participants could add items as needed.

We created the book, chapter by chapter, from PowerPoints, notes, and David’s published cancer research papers. My target persona for this project was the mother of a 9-year-old daughter who had just been diagnosed with cancer. I simplified everything so the information could be understood even through her fear and grief.

In addition to writing and editing the text, I also:

  • Selected fonts and colors to create a new graphic look and style guide to be used for the book’s branding.
  • Designed multiple graphics in the book.
  • Took photos of Sabrina, the couple’s dog, for the “Sabrina Says” at the end of each chapter.
  • Designed business cards and notepads.

The Boudas chose the colors and graphics for the binder cover.

BDB Waterproofing

Blog post by Theresa CassidayI wrote this blog post for BDB Waterproofing so people would know how to select trees and shrubs for their yards and keep their foundations safe. This post has more than 1,000 views.

I also redesigned the company’s website in 2018.

Dry Basement

Blog post on watering foundations by Theresa Cassiday
I wrote this post for the Dry Basement Foundation Repair blog. It was written in June 2018 during a period of drought in the Missouri/Kansas/Iowa region to help people prevent cracks and movement in their foundations. I also redesigned their website in 2018.

Watering foundation can prevent house damage in drought

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