
Theresa Cassiday, freelancer

Copy writing & editing in Omaha, Nebraska and the U.S.


Theresa Cassiday

Why I finally gave up on Facebook

I have finally done something I have contemplated for a long time: I have deactivated my personal Facebook account.

It has been great to use Facebook to connect with relatives and friends I wouldn’t keep in touch otherwise: my sister in Germany, cousins around the country, ex-in-laws who want to stay connected.

However, I’ve had a number of concerns about Facebook for a long time. After an incident last weekend, it was time to act on them.

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Catena Creations celebrates 10 years

Today is a day that seemed so far away when I first thought about it: It’s the 10-year anniversary of the beginning of  Catena Creations LLC.

Catena Creations 10th anniversary logoTen years ago, I had just been laid off for the second time in 2008. I was doing freelance work for the first company that had laid me off. The first episode of  Bravo’s Tabatha Takes Overwas on that night, and she asked the couple she was helping: What’s your passion?

While laid off, I’d been working at home and taking care of my then-13-year-old-son and getting him ready for school. And watching that show, I realized I wanted to do what I’d been doing since that second layoff: Work at home. Manage my own schedule. Set my own pace. Enjoy a variety of work with more creativity.

It’s amazing to think of all the changes that have taken place in the past decade.

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How to stop robocalls about Google listings

It’s a question I receive quite frequently: Clients who say they just got a call from someone saying their Google listing will disappear if they don’t do something RIGHT NOW. Or they are not appearing on Google. Or they can always rank no. 1 on Google. And they want to know if they need to respond to those calls.

Stop robocalls about Google fraudNow, thanks to Google, I have a new answer: Report these calls. They’re scams.

ZD Net reported in its May 24 newsletter that Google is taking legal action against several U.S. firms that make these calls. The Federal Trade Commission unsealed documents about the case earlier in May.

If you get one of these robocalls, you use this form to report the violation. You can bookmark the form so you can easily find it in the future.

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Metamorphosis: Basking in the glow

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of viewing the Metamorphosis exhibit at Lauritsen Gardens. I was fortunate enough to attend on the last Friday when the exhibit was lit up at night for a special “Art Aglow” show.

I bought a membership to Lauritsen Gardens that day, and made a donation as well. I did this in honor of my aunt, Barbara Stander, who had passed away earlier that week. She and her husband, Chuck, lived in Pensacola, Fla., and were avid gardeners. At one point, they had more than 400 varieties of roses in their yard and greenhouse. What better way to honor her memory?

I saw the exhibt by day, took a dinner break, then came back for the night show. It was fun and eerie both to see the conservatory lit up at night. Most of the sculptures were lit from underneath, giving visitors the best view of the hundreds of recycled objects used by Sayaka Ganz and Aurora Robson to create each sculpture. I’ve decided that next time I have insomnia, I’m going to go over these pictures and see how many objects I can find.

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New year, new direction, new website

Every business owner knows that it’s important to look back and see where you’ve accomplished, as well as look ahead to see where you’d like to go in the future.

One of the hazards of freelancing is the temptation to do ALL the things you can do just because someone asks for them. On the surface, it seems like you’re offering good service to your clients. But over time, you risk becoming a jack of all trades, master of none.

After evaluating the services we’ve been offering, Catena Creations has defined a new direction for 2018. Our core services will be:

Website design. First and foremost, we design great websites.We use WordPress to make sure our sites are user-friendly, secure and fully functional. We also make sure our websites have search engine optimization (SEO) techniques incorporated as we build our websites so our clients can be found online once their sites launch.

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